Short Marsala Hair – Get Inspired by The 20 Most Passionate Ideas

Short Marsala Hair – Get Inspired by The 20 Most Passionate Ideas src="/images/posts/ee2ce02e993f4317ed79e00480cedee9-0.jpg">



name="short-marsala-hair-photos-and-ideas">Short Marsala Hair Photos and Ideas

Tincture mix everyone loves and doesn't deny it. With these innovative and daring ideas we arrived at platinum blonde, beige and other very different tones. We now have the unprecedented marsala color. Before, it was only obtained by mixing the purple and red dye in a small pot, but it is now sold separately.

Marsala is an β€œalmost” of several tones. It's not a deep red and it's not even copper but it's close to both. It's not brown and not pure red either. It's a hair color to assert itself as different because everyone is aware of it being unnatural. And sometimes the grace is just that!





name="how-to-do">How to do

Having short marsala hair is easy. The first step is to sympathize with the color by analyzing some photos in our post. Your hair can look like this no problem!

The pThe first step in painting is to look for a good professional or your trusted salon. Don't know how to work with tinctures and have never done this? Hair is not a good item for experimentation. You have no idea how many beauty professionals have received tearful women because their at-home experience has gone wrong.

Hair to be dyed should be slightly dirty to protect the roots from chemicals. You don't need a week without washing, but two to three days are advisable.

The dye must be applied and the period indicated on the package for complete coverage of the hair. Then just enjoy the result for at least three weeks. As the hairs are washed they start to lose their tone.


id="attachment_12274" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-12274" style="width: 480px"> src="/images/posts/ee2ce02e993f4317ed79e00480cedee9-6.jpg"> id="caption-attachment-12274">The different shades for short marsala hair can be tried on at the salon. If you want a more reddish touch, just leave the ink for less time.



Bleach or paint over?

Anyone who understands a little about tincture knows that the answer is β€œit depends”. Light hair can be covered with any dark dye. As for the dark strands, they need to be discolored so that the tone is fixed and the desired result is obtained. 

Even the brown tone, the coverage of short marsala hair with dye will have no problem. But for natural darker tones you will need to bleach first.



But even if your thread is naturally clear, discoloring or painting over it generates different effects.

Discoloration leaves the thread without any color, dyeing. Any paint to be used on top makes the color stronger and much more intense. If the idea is a punctual effect and β€œnoticed from afar” you need to bleach it.

The search may be, however, for a smooth visual effect. So short marsala hair can look cool by covering your strands in a single application.


short curly marsala hair

Curly hair can be much more valued with the touch of marsala.

Tip? Take care to keep hydration up to date. Curly and frizzy hair are the types that are most dry at the ends and suffer from dyeing. A weekly hydration should improve the appearance and health of the hair.


Brown hair gets a makeover with the short marsala hair style. 


id="attachment_12280" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-12280" style="width: 400px"> src="/images/posts/ee2ce02e993f4317ed79e00480cedee9-15.jpg"> id="caption-attachment-12280">Look who already liked short marsala hair? The diva Rihana!


locks with marsala

Don't want to change the look so much? Do something understated and equally elegant. Balayage highlights are a way to use tone without changing the look too much. The effect is discreet and is much more evident in the sun.




Short marsala hair care

Short marsala hair is no different than any other dyed hair. To always look beautiful, you need constant care such as:

  • Make use of shampoo and conditioner suitable for color-treated hair – your hair now needs a lot of nutrients;
  • Do not wash all types – it removes the natural protection produced by the hair root. A good frequency is every other day;
  • Apply a weekly moisturizer – there is not always time, but find a space in your schedule. Your wires will be more beautiful and the damage caused by discoloration and use of dye will be softened.
  • Progressive brush? Prefer those without formaldehyde – you can straighten without harming the hair and harming your health. There are many methods for permanent (or slightly temporary) straightening using strong chemicals without the need for formaldehyde.


Are you going to paint the wires? Do a strand test!

It doesn't matter if you want short or long marsala hair. A strand test serves to avoid the famous 'chemical breakage', when the thread starts to break without prior notice and in places where the product was applied.

Chemical breakage or chemical cutting as it is also known happens due to several factors. One of them is when the hair is weak or has another product acting on it. There is a chemical test for that.

Before adopting the look with short marsala hair, the recommendation is to apply the dye to a strand and wait for five to 10 minutes. If nothing happens, you can go ahead with the rest of the hair.



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