The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!

The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!

Hair loss vitamins can be great allies in combating hair loss and even strengthening strands, but not just any vitamin will help with treatment.

Each vitamin has its role in the body, and to choose the right vitamin to combat hair loss, we've brought you options for the best vitamins and tips on how to treat hair loss.

The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!


Hair Loss: What To Do?

Losing a few strands of hair during the day is something totally common and part of our organism, but when hair loss becomes more intense, it's time to turn on the alert.

The first step when you notice the most intense hair loss is to keep an eye on your diet, because what you eat has a lot of influence.

For a few days observe more carefully what you are eating, and start to have a diet richer in healthy foods.

Water intake is also an important factor in maintaining the body, so make sure you drink water throughout the day.

If you've already taken care of your food and water intake, but your hair loss remains constant, it's time to make an appointment with a doctor, as the strands may be falling out due to other factors, such as genetics, stress or lack of some specific vitamin.

The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!
The doctor can accurately assess the cause of hair loss

The doctor will order some tests to find out exactly the cause of the problem, and thus may indicate the proper use of vitamins for hair loss and other treatments to combat hair loss.


What are the Best Vitamins for Hair Loss?

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is of utmost importance among vitamins for hair loss.

This vitamin acts in the natural production of scalp oil, which helps in hair regeneration and has an antioxidant effect, preventing premature aging of highlights and hair loss.

Therefore, the natural oils produced by vitamin A are very important as an anti-hair loss agent.

Foods rich in vitamin A include:

  • Sweet potato
  • beef liver
  • Carrot
  • Spinach
  • Manga
  • Milk
  • Boiled egg
  • Tomato
  • CheeseThe 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!

The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!


Oh, and it's worth remembering that excessive consumption of vitamin A can have the reverse effect, producing excessive oiliness and even hair loss, hence the importance of a varied diet and never intake and vitamin supplements without medical advice.

Vitamin B

In the case of vitamin B, it is not just a vitamin, but a complex of vitamins, involving vitamins B2, B5, B6, B12, among others.

This complex of vitamins is extremely important for the body, as it helps in the fight against diseases of the immune system, cultural diseases that can manifest on the scalp, among others.

As the body does not store or produce B complex vitamins, it is essential to eat foods rich in this vitamin, which can prevent and even treat hair loss.

There is a list of B vitamins and other names for them, which we have listed below along with the foods where they can be found:

  • B1 – Thiamine: Red meat, liver, legumes, whole grains, milk and eggs
  • B2 – Riboflavin: Red and white meat, liver, milk, cheese and eggs
  • B3 – Niacin: Red and white meats, liver, eggs and wheat germ
  • B5 – Pantothenic Acid: Red meat, kids, wheat germ, broccoli, potatoes and tomatoes
  • B6 – Pyridoxine: Red meat, beef liver, milk, eggs and wheat germ
  • B7 – Biotin: Red meat, egg yolk and cereals
  • B9 – Folic Acid: Offals, leafy and dark green vegetables, legumes, corn and peanuts
  • B12 – Cobalamin: Red and white meat

The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!

In addition to consuming foods with B complex vitamins for hair loss, this type of vitamin can also be ingested through capsules, but this should only be done with medical advice, as it can cause hypervitaminosis and be the cause of other problems.


Vitamin C:

Among the vitamins for hair loss, vitamin C is very powerful in combating the aging of the hair.

This vitamin not only acts as an antioxidant, but also as an ally in the absorption of iron by the body, that is, the absence or low level of vitamin C makes it difficult to absorb iron, which can lead to anemia, a fact that usually leads to a fall. capillary.

The absence of vitamin C can also compromise healthy hair growth, and cause hair loss due to breakage.

Foods rich in vitamin C

For those who want to start the change at home, you can keep an eye on your diet and start eating more foods rich in vitamin C, such as:

  • Orange
  • Strawberry
  • Kiwi
  • Yellow pepper
  • Papaya
  • Broccoli
  • Tomato
The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!
A varied diet is ideal for gathering more vitamins

Vitamin D

Like other vitamins for hair loss, vitamin D also has its spotlight when it comes to hair loss.

Vitamin D has a direct connection with the strands, and can act in the recovery of the capillary structure, such as in the creation of new pilous follicles, that is, pores where the hair strands are born.

This vitamin also acts on hair follicles that are dormant, and thus can reverse the onset of baldness.

To eat foods rich in vitamin D, it is recommended to consume:

  • Fish – tuna, salmon, sardines
  • Seafood
  • Egg
  • Milk
  • Beef and chicken liver
  • whole grains
  • Cheese

The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!

The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!
Whole grains are part of the vitamin D group

In addition to consuming foods with vitamins for category D hair loss, you also need to sunbathe (15 minutes) daily, so that vitamin D is absorbed by the body.

Vitamin E

Among the vitamin options for hair loss, vitamin E is of great importance for the body and for the locks.

Vitamin E has the function of scalp circulation and cell regeneration, which act to combat hair loss.

Like the B vitamins, vitamin E is not produced by the body and must be ingested through foods such as:

  • Vegetable oils – soy, corn, sunflower, among others
  • Beans
  • Nuts – walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, etc.
  • Avocado
  • Chard
  • Cabbage
  • Sunflower seed

The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!

Are there precautions to be taken?

Intake of vitamins for hair loss can be through food or supplements indicated by a doctor, and although they are important to treat and prevent hair loss, there is essential care.

  • The first caution in the consumption of vitamins for hair loss is excessive consumption, which can generate hypervitaminosis and cause other problems.
  • Another common factor is women who have given birth and are in the postpartum period, who commonly suffer from hair loss, as the baby is being breastfed and consuming vitamins that are ingested by the mother, in addition to the body undergoing readjustment. of hormones.

For lactating mothers, care with taking vitamins for hair loss should be redoubled, and any homemade recipe or even supplementation should be with medical guidance and approval.

In this case, hair loss is a common factor, and there is not much cause for concern, but it is always good to report this to your doctor.

The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!
Supplementation must be under medical supervision.

And in any case of hair loss, the best recipe is to have a varied and nutritionally rich diet.

How to Make Homemade Hair Loss Vitamin: Step by Step

If hair loss is causing you concern, we've separated some homemade recipes with hair loss vitamins that can help take care of highlights.


Wheat germ


  • 2 tablespoons powdered wheat germ
  • 200 ml of whole milk

The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!

Method of preparation:

Place the wheat germ and milk in a blender and blend to combine the two ingredients.


How to use:

With the mix ready, just ingest the drink.

Consume the drink for 10 days to increase the vitamins for hair loss and strengthen the strands.


Treatment Cream

For those looking for a quick way to treat and strengthen the strands to prevent hair loss, the recipe with avocado, rich in vitamin B and E, is ideal for nourishing the strands and leaving the hair healthy.



  • 1 medium avocado
  • 1 tablespoon green tea

The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Loss & How To Make It At Home!

Method of preparation:

Cut the avocado, remove the pit and put the pulp in the blender. Blend until well blended.

Add green tea and mix well.


How to use:

Apply the hair loss treatment mask all over the hair, including the scalp.

Massage your hair and scalp.

Let it act for 15 minutes and then rinse the hair, and wash as usual with shampoo and conditioner.



Now just follow the tips in the post to take care of the locks and avoid hair loss.

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