Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!

Hair loss remedies are a way to treat the fall and seek a way to reverse the condition, stopping not only the fall, but also encouraging the birth of new strands and giving volume to the locks again.

And hair loss remedies are not specifically for women, there are also versions that are highly recommended for men who suffer from baldness.

And whether you are a man or a woman, but who are on the alert with excessive hair loss, the post brings tips on the best remedies to combat this situation.

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!

What are the Main Causes?

Before starting treatment with hair loss remedies, you need to understand the reason for the fall, so it is easier to understand what the body is going through and what is the cause of the fall, and only then choose the most appropriate remedy.

To help you identify the cause of the fall, we have separated some of the main reasons, but a medical consultation is never essential to analyze your case individually.



One of the best known causes of hair loss is the genetic cause, often determined by genetic inheritance, which can pass baldness, whether female or male baldness, throughout the family.

This type of hair loss happens from a predetermined genetic inheritance, and can be one of the most difficult to treat, but even so, there are treatments and remedies for hair loss that help to delay or even soften the effects that baldness brings.

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!
Baldness can be a genetic inheritance


One of the most recurring reasons for hair loss is currently linked to stress.

The hormonal change that the body undergoes in the face of stress can interfere with the amount of hair that falls per day.

In addition, excessive stress can also impair blood circulation, affecting the scalp and causing excessive hair loss.

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!
Stress can alter hormone levels


Food is a strong point in terms of our body's responses, and a lagged diet can lead to anemia, often caused by a lack of iron and other vitamins.

The lack of nutrients and iron can interfere with the resistance of the strands, and this causes hair loss.

At this point, you must always be alert with your diet and, in some cases, your doctor can advise you on the use of vitamins and remedies for hair loss.

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!

Other Diseases

In addition to the causes already presented, hair loss can also be linked to many other factors, including diseases developed by the patient.

Among the possible diseases and disorders that can cause hair loss are:

  • Kidney problems
  • autoimmune diseases
  • thyroid disorders
  • polycystic ovary
  • Mycosis and fungus on the scalp
  • Syphilis


In these cases, medical follow-up is essential to treat the disease and thus also remedy hair loss.


How to Avoid Hair Loss: Important Tips

For those who don't even want to get to the stage of adopting remedies for hair loss, prevention is the best way.

And there are many ways to avoid and prevent excessive hair loss:

  • Maintain a healthy and varied diet;
  • Drink plenty of water daily;
  • Avoid sleeping with wet hair so that fungi and bacteria do not form on the scalp;
  • Don't keep your hair up too tightly and constantly;
  • Treat dandruff problems from the beginning;
  • Beware of using supplements without medical advice;
  • Avoid stress;
  • Do not wash your hair in very hot water;
  • Wash your hair regularly and keep your scalp clean.


The 4 Best Remedies for Hair Loss

And for those who are already in the most complex phase, which is excessive hair loss, often the only means are hair loss remedies.

Following forums and users who use these drugs, we have compiled a list of the best and most recommended among users.

However, the ideal is always to see a doctor before including any remedy as a treatment to combat hair loss.


HairLoss Blocker (HL Blocker)

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!

This medicine became popular and started to be sold in Brazil in 2017, and it is a hope for those who suffer from hair loss.

HL Blocker acts on strands that are still alive, but which are not being born and growing, in order to encourage their birth and thus give volume to the locks again.

Thus, the medicine can be an ally in delaying baldness as long as the hair is still alive. The negative point is in the fact that it does not act in the recovery of already dead wires.

Indication for Use: the manufacturer indicates the use of 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules at night.

Audience: suitable for male and female use

Average Price: BRL 189,90 (2 bottles)

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!
The fall was softened
Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!
Former player Tulio Maravilha tested the drug
Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!
The small flaws were filled with the birth of new threads
Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!
Hair gained more volume

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!



Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!

Finasteride is one of the most talked about hair loss remedies, after all it has been used for years by those who suffer from hair loss.

The medicine acts in the body by inhibiting alpha-reductase, the enzyme responsible for transforming testosterone (the main male hormone) into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This enzyme can make hair follicles smaller and smaller, making it difficult for hair to grow.

With the use of Finasteride, the alpha-reductase enzyme is inhibited, preventing the closure of hair follicles and hair loss.

Unfortunately, the medicine has negative points, and among them is the possible cause of sexual impotence in men.

Indication for Use: the drug is administered in mg; therefore it is necessary that a doctor assesses the condition of the patient recommending the daily dose according to weight and height.

Audience: suitable for men and women

Average Price: R$ 25,00 (generic with 30 pills of 1mg)

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!
The baldness was not completely reversed, but it was greatly alleviated.
Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!
The female root gained new threads with the use of the medicine

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!


Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!

The drug is a well-known multivitamin supplement in Brazil and around the world for those who face hair loss problems.

The supplement acts by delaying baldness, rejuvenating and strengthening hair follicles in order to encourage healthy hair growth in areas that suffered from hair loss.

As the medicine is composed of amino acids, vitamins and other substances essential to the body, absorption is fast and the results are noticeable faster too.

Among the cons, the use of the supplement can cause hypervitaminosis if used without medical advice.

Indication for Use: indicated to use 2 capsules a day

Audience: recommended use for men and women

Average Price: BRL 48,00 (60 capsules of 690mg)

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!
It is notable that the root became more filled

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!
The scalp is much fuller

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!


Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!

Unlike previous versions that were for oral use, Minoxidil is a vasodilator solution that must be applied on the scalp to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp.

The vasodilator effect resulting from the application opens up more space in the hair follicles, helping the birth of new hairs, as long as they are still alive.

The advantage of this treatment is that it is not for oral use and is easy to use. However, the downside is the fact that Minoxidil only acts on hair that is still alive, and may not be an ally in baldness for those who are already in an advanced phase.

Directions for Use: apply the solution to completely dry scalp, massage gently and leave to act for 4 hours before rinsing.

Audience: indicated for men and women (for women, the use of the version with a concentration of only 2% and not 5% is indicated, as it can stimulate the growth of hair on the face, if the medicine comes into contact with this area).

Average Price: BRL 100,00 (50 ml of generic Aloxidil)

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!
The photo shows the result before and after applying the solution to the beard

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!
New hairs are born that fill the scalp

Top 4 Hair Loss Remedies – List of Best Products!


Now all you have to do is take advantage of the tips and take care of your hair to have beautiful and healthy strands!

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