Wash Your Hair Every Day: Can You? – Important Tips and Cautions!

Wash Your Hair Every Day: Can You? – Important Tips and Cautions!

If you are wondering if you can wash your hair every day, in the post we will answer if the statements around this question are myth or true, and that way you will have the right guidelines for taking care of your locks.

Wash Your Hair Every Day: Can You? – Important Tips and Cautions!

Wash Your Hair Every Day: Tips and Care

Is Washing Your Hair Every Day Bad?

Daily washing is not harmful, and may even be beneficial for some hair types. So, if you want to find out who can wash your hair daily and care to keep your locks healthy, just keep reading.


  • Hair type / physical exercises

Some hair types do ask for daily washing, such as strands with a greater tendency to oiliness, thus preventing the hair from looking heavy and dirty.

Hair with a tendency to dryness should avoid daily washing, as the natural oiliness produced by the scalp helps to hydrate the hair. Therefore, it is ideal to let the scalp produce a little oil to hydrate the locks.

For those who practice physical exercise on a daily basis, the desire to wash and sanitize the hair is quite common, in which case you can wash your hair every day, but following some recommendations that we will indicate below.

Wash Your Hair Every Day: Can You? – Important Tips and Cautions!
After the physical exercise, the washing of the wires is allowed


  • water temperature

If for some cases it is allowed to wash your hair every day, you need to pay attention to the temperature of the water to wash the strands.

The fact of using hot water daily on the locks can be quite harmful, as the hair can become dry. And in cases of oily locks, the rebound effect can happen, and excessive washing in hot water can cause the scalp to produce more sebaceous glands, leaving the strands even more oily.

For those who wash their locks daily, the recommendation is to use warm or cold water, preventing the hair from becoming dry with hot water.

Wash Your Hair Every Day: Can You? – Important Tips and Cautions!
Avoid hot water to wash your hair
  • product types

To add to the daily hair washing routine, one of the necessary care is the choice of hair products, which helps in the process of how to wash your hair correctly.

In that case, deep cleansers and sulfate-based cleaners can be harmful if used daily.

Therefore, opt for sulfate-free and daily cleaning hair products. Also, be sure to use moisturizing products, such as conditioners and hair masks, which help to hydrate the strands and prevent possible damage.

Wash Your Hair Every Day: Can You? – Important Tips and Cautions!

  • dry your hair

Washing your hair daily is not a problem, but sleeping with wet hair is a big problem.

So, remember that you can even wash your locks, but no sleeping with damp or wet hair, as this can cause the proliferation of fungi or bacteria.

The ideal is to plan the day to wash your hair and let it dry naturally, but if that's not possible, the dryer is a great friend at that time.

Wash Your Hair Every Day: Can You? – Important Tips and Cautions!
Keep distance between dryer and hair

To use the dryer as an aid to dry the hair, use a thermal protector to protect the locks from the heat of the dryer and keep a distance of at least 10 cm between the dryer and the hair. Another possibility is to use the cold jet of the dryer to less harm the locks.

Does it increase oiliness?

A very common myth is the statement that daily washing increases the oiliness of the hair.

This fact is a lie, and if the wires are washed correctly there is no risk of getting more oily. So follow the tips of avoiding hot water and using suitable washing products.

Wash Your Hair Every Day: Can You? – Important Tips and Cautions!

To take care of oily hair, daily washing can be a solution and the use of specific products for oily hair can be a great ally, helping to take care of excess oiliness.

Does it help with hair growth?

A lot of people believe that washing your hair daily helps make strands grow faster, but that's not true.

The fact of keeping the wires sanitized helps the follicles to be free of dirt and dandruff, and thus they grow faster. However, that doesn't mean that strands should be washed daily, and that will depend on hair type.

What can be detrimental to hair growth is sleeping with wet hair, washing with hot water, not keeping your hair hydrated, among other factors such as inadequate nutrition.

Wash Your Hair Every Day: Can You? – Important Tips and Cautions!

Tricks to not wash your hair every day 

If your hair type does not need to be washed daily, this is not a problem, and some products can help take care of the strands during one wash and another, preventing the hair from looking heavy.

Among the items that can be included in the list of tricks to take care of the wires during washing, it is worth including:

  • Shampoo a seco;
Wash Your Hair Every Day: Can You? – Important Tips and Cautions!
Dry shampoo helps to remove oiliness from the hair between one wash and another
  • Accessories to hold and change the style of locks;
  • Hairstyles with braids, which help to disguise the oily roots.


Now that you've seen the explanations and seen the myth that revolves around this question, you can wet your locks during the shower, but without forgetting the recommendations for taking care of the threads.

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