Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

Curly Hair Need Special Care?

Os curly hair they are those that are born smoother on the scalp and along the length of the strands they form those curls. It turns out that because it is curled, all the oiliness that is manufactured at the root of the hair ends up not reaching the ends. For this reason, they become more dry, frizzy and sometimes without shape. However, if you have care with your highlights, they will be more beautiful, loose and with well-defined curls.

The first tip is to wash your hair only with warm water, avoid any water that is too hot, as it can cause the hair to dry out. If you wash your hair daily, try to use specific products for curly hair, as they will help you maintain the beauty of your hair.

When washing, you can massage very gently with just the fingertips, without passing the nails. This affection on your scalp will work as a stimulation for sebum production, it serves as a protection for the wires. So, let's massage this root without fear!

Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

Some girls, instead of using towels, use a cotton shirt, those very soft ones, to dry the locks. This can be a good alternative to reduce frizz and make the hair look more messy. All this works because towels, due to their thicker texture, absorb a lot of water and embarrass the hair due to friction.

When passing the comb creamr, pass it on the hair in smaller amounts and spread it through the strands. If during the day you want to apply the product, no problem. Just do not overdo it, this will prevent the hair from becoming too dry and dull.

Another awesome trick is to avoid combing dry hair, it's best to always do it when it's still wet. Carefully untangle the strands, always starting from the ends until you reach the root.

Products such as moisturizing masks, finishers, mousses and ointments promise to make your curls more beautiful. Use them on a daily basis to keep your hair always well taken care of. A really cool idea is to make a capillary schedule, so you intersperse different treatments (hydration, nutrition and reconstruction) to always take care of the highlights.

O coconut oil can be a great ally of curly ones, you know? It leaves your hair more hydrated and you can apply it before washing your hair. It is worth remembering that the important thing is to always use extra virgin, so you can guarantee that you are using a high quality item in your hair.

You know those days when you don't wash your hair? Spend a little leave-in with water to make your curls more defined, the result is beautiful!

Now that you already know some very important care for curls, let's see some hydration creams for curly hair?

Hydration Cream for Curls: Best Products and Where to Buy!

Heaven in hair Deva Curl

Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

This brand, Deva Curl, is well known for making specific products for curly hair and the mask promises deep hydration for the hair. Its formula penetrates deep into the strands and the result is hair that is shinier, softer and full of life.

Heaven in hair does not have those chemical substances that damage hair, such as parabens, silicones, mineral oil and paraffins. In its composition, there is the presence of glycerin, murumuru butter and natural moisturizers. All this to ensure a beautiful result in your hair!

Its price is around R$90,00 and you can find it in several online stores.


Yenzah Sou + Humectant Curls

Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

This mask is moisturizing and manufactured and specially for curly hair and curly. It promises potent hydration, restoring the moisture of the strands, leaving the curls more defined, with a lot of softness and shine.

The texture of the mask is super easy to apply and the composition contains nourishing ingredients that will restore the beauty of your locks. Hair is protected from damage, dryness and frizz.

The price of this mask costs around R$ 35,00 and you can buy the product in online pharmacies and perfumeries or in physical stores.


KΓ©rastase Discipline Curl Ideal

Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

KΓ©rastase Discipline Curl Ideal is designed for curly hair that needs deep treatment. It has the power to make the strands softer, as it softens the hair fiber. In this way, the locks are frizz-free, super hydrated and with an incredible appearance.

The formula contains pro-keratin, hydrolyzed elastin and cationic derivatives, which help the hair to have well-defined curls, without those frizzy strands and with a lot of shine.

The mask costs around R$235,00 and you can easily find it in online cosmetics stores.


Each other's Divine Curls

Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

You know that mask that moisturizes the hair without weighing it down? It's exactly this one! Inoar developed this product for curly and wavy hair, the good thing about it is that the formula does not contain substances that β€œstick” to the hair fiber, you know?

It contains coconut oil, jojoba protein, d-panthenol and elements that leave hair more hydrated, nourished, frizz-free and with well-defined curls.

Its price is around R$49,90. You can buy it in physical perfumeries and online beauty products stores.


Griffus Love Defined Curls

Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

With a formula free of mineral oils, paraffins, parabens and insoluble silicones, Griffus has developed a cheap mask that promises to make a difference in curly hair. The concentration of emollient and moisturizing substances repairs the threads in just three minutes.

The mask contains shea butter, collagen, argan oil and coconut oil. The hair looks renewed, defined and super hydrated.

Her price is super affordable. You can find it for R$16,00 on average in online stores. It's worth testing!


How to Hydrate Curly Hair: Step by Step

with cornstarch

Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

Cornstarch is a homemade ingredient that works very well in hydration recipes for curly hair, as it manages to keep the natural moisture inside the hair. Mixed with other ingredients, you will get an incredible result on your locks.


  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 100 ml of water
  • 2 spoons of moisturizing mask
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil (can be olive oil, coconut oil or castor oil)

Way of doing

Mix the water with the cornstarch, place it in a pan over low heat and stir until it forms a porridge. Let the porridge cool and become lukewarm, then just mix it in a container with the mask and vegetable oil.


Apply to clean, damp hair, from length to ends. Wait for the action time of 30 minutes and rinse.


With Olive Oil

Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

Extra virgin olive oil is a powerful natural moisturizer. It contains substances that make the hair more aligned, full-bodied and frizz-free. The important thing when buying your olive oil is to check that it is 100% extra virgin, this guarantees that you are using a natural product. Check out our recipe with hydration oil for curly hair below!


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 spoon of moisturizing mask

How to Prepare

Mix the two ingredients in a bowl until you get a homogeneous cream.


Apply the cream to clean, washed hair from lengths to ends. Wait for the pause time of 20 minutes and rinse your hair.


With coffe

Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

Coffee is a natural stimulant and helps a lot in cleaning the scalp and hair growth. Coffee mixed with your hydration mask will enhance the effect of your hydration and restore your hair's water.


  • 2 spoons of coffee powder
  • 3 spoons of mask
  • 1 spoon of honey

How to Prepare

Mix all the ingredients until you form a cream.


Glue the hair with the mixture, avoiding the hair roots. Let it act for 40 minutes and rinse until all product residue is removed.


with mayonnaise

Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

Mayonnaise has the power to make hair shiny and soft. All this because it has antioxidants and vegetable oils in its composition, which are super good for the hair. Together with your hydration mask, the result will be incredible, with hair well hydrated and full of shine. Were you interested? Check out our hydration for curly hair with mayonnaise.


  • 1 spoon of mask
  • 1 spoon of mayonnaise

How to Prepare

Mix the ingredients in a plastic container.


Apply to the hair, avoiding the roots and wrapping the strands. Wait for the thirty minute action time and rinse.


For Dry Hair / With Highlights

Hydration for Curly Hair – 5 Best Recipes & Products!

This hydration recipe for curly hair will make your hair super beautiful and look wonderful. Check it out below:


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 spoon of liquid bepanthol
  • 2 spoons of moisturizing mask

How to Prepare

Mix all ingredients in a bowl.


Apply to the hair, avoiding the root. Wait for the thirty minute break and rinse.


Did you like our hydration recipes for curly hair? Comment below if you've tried any of these recipes and tell us all about the result on your locks! Kisses!

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