How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!

How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!

Thus, maintaining the natural oiliness of the hair is important, but when oiliness exceeds the limits and gives the strands a dirty and heavy appearance, it is time to be attentive and observe what causes this excess oiliness.

And to find out the cause and even how to remove oiliness from your hair, we've put together tips that will help you keep your strands always loose and free from excessive oiliness.

How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!

QWhat Causes Oily Hair?

As we explained above, scalp oiliness is something normal and part of the physiological process such as maintenance and protection of the hair.

However, washing your hair and noticing excess oiliness a few hours later requires a little more attention, after all, hair with excess oiliness can be linked to several factors, such as:


  • Dryness: a common mistake of those who are suffering from oily hair is the fact that they try at all costs to remove all the oiliness from the hair, and this can cause a rebound effect on the locks, that is, the scalp receives a warning signal and starts to produce more oil to hydrate and protect the scalp and hair. In this way, you only need to remove excess oil and not leave the scalp and hair dry.
How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!
Avoid over washing
  • Hot Water: who does not give up a bath with very hot water, needs to pay attention to the fact that hot water can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. This happens because when washing the hair with very hot water, the scalp can become dry and so the organism understands that the time to produce more oil is to hydrate the scalp.
How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!
Hot water can trigger the glands to produce more oil.
  • Use of Wrong Products: in addition to using specific products for your hair type, you must pay attention to the application of products, such as conditioners and leave-in creams, which should not be applied to the root, as they stimulate the appearance oily from the wires.
How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!
Do not pass creams on the roots and scalp
  • Touching the Hair Excessively: the contact of the hands with the hair can be a great villain in the issue of the oiliness of the strands, because the hands also have natural oiliness for skin hydration, and this constant contact can transfer the oiliness of the hands to the hair , leaving the appearance of the threads heavier.

How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!

  • Dirty Hairbrush: A hairbrush that is dirty and full of hair can be a problem for leaving the hair greasy, and this is related to the fact that the brush can be filled with products without rinsing and full of hair, which causes cause the brush to β€œdirty” the hair when combing. Therefore, always keep the brush clean to avoid and help in the process of how to remove oiliness from the hair.
How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!
Keep your brushes clean
  • Physiological Problems: in addition to all the external factors that can cause oiliness in the hair, this excess oil produced by the glands can also be associated with a dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. In this way, it is important to pay attention to your body's signals, maintaining a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water, in addition to regular consultations and examinations to check your health.
How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!
A balanced diet can prevent the problem

How to Remove Oil from Hair: Step by Step

If you need tips on how to remove oiliness from your hair, we've put together practical and easy-to-follow tips to leave your strands loose and away from the look of dirty and heavy.


  • Dry Shampoo: this is not exactly a tip to combat oiliness, but it is a trick that helps to disguise the oily appearance of the strands, since dry shampoo is an alternative for the moment when the hair looks oily, but you're out of time to wash. The idea of ​​this type of product is to apply the dry shampoo to the roots and then remove the excess with a towel, thus leaving the hair without the greasy appearance. And if you don't have dry shampoo at home, grandma's tricks are worth it, such as using talcum powder or cornstarch at the roots, in the same way as dry shampoo is applied.
How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!
Dry shampoo helps hide oiliness
  • Wash the Hair Alternately: for the process of how to remove oiliness from the hair to be efficient, it is necessary to have a schedule for washing the strands, avoiding washing too little and washing in excess. In this case, the ideal is to wash the wires in one day, skip another and wash again, that is, β€œday in, day out”. In addition to washing your hair regularly, be careful to use specific products for oily hair and apply each product correctly.

How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!

  • Use of Anti-Residue Shampoo: Anti-residue shampoo is an ally for those who suffer from excessive oiliness in the hair, and helps to clean the scalp and hair more thoroughly, removing excess oil. However, this product must be used with caution so as not to dry the hair, and the ideal is to use the product fortnightly, as a booster between washes.

How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!

In addition to the tips that help in the process of how to remove oiliness from the hair, there are still homemade recipes that are an economical and simple alternative to keep the strands loose and beautiful!


Homemade Recipe to Remove Oil from Hair


  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 5 tablespoons filtered or mineral water

How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!

How to Make and Apply:

To make the recipe that helps fight the oiliness of the hair, mix the apple cider vinegar with the water and put it in a spray bottle.

The application should be done after washing the hair with mild or transparent shampoo, massaging the scalp. Rinse your hair well and remove excess water; spray the mixture of vinegar and water all over the hair, including the roots of the hair.

Let your hair dry naturally with the mixture, but avoid exposing yourself to the sun while you have the vinegar on your hair. After the strands are already drier, rinse the locks well and finish the wash by applying conditioner only to the ends.

How to Remove Oiliness from Hair – Tips & Super Effective Treatments!

When to Use:

The application of this little mixture should not be used in every wash, and the ideal is weekly or fortnightly use to help in the treatment of how to remove oiliness from the hair.



Now it's time to identify the causes of this problem and take advantage of the tips in the post to keep the strands loose and well taken care of!

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